Sponsorship Opportunities

Yes, it is possible to sponsor the Scottish Six Days Trial, and the organising committee would be delighted to hear from any potential sponsors!
There are limited sponsorship packages available, and information on available packages is issued around September each year.
Every package is different, but they tend to contain varying combinations of the following :
Guaranteed entries to the event, bypassing the dreaded ballot!
Advertising on the SSDT website and in the official SSDT Programme Deal -specific advertising opportunities (eg t-shirts, observing bibs, pullouts, etc)
Advertising on all trial-related correspondence and press releases
There is also the opportunity to advertise on this website so please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
It is also possible to sponsor the entire event. Please contact us if this option may be of interest to you.
Is it possible to sponsor the
Scottish Six Days Trial?
When does sponsorship of the SSDT start and finish?
Sponsorship of the Scottish Six Days Trial is advertised in September each year, but we follow the calendar year so packages don't begin until the 1st of January each year.
Sponsorship packages run for a full year, so any advertising included in your sponsorship package remains in place until the end of December in that year.